Friday, November 21, 2008

If only everyone thought like this guy...

I'm an avid reader and member of The Motley Fool (TMF) website. For those of you haven't heard about it, it's simply a portal where a group of analysts write articles about the stock market and where members share their investment opinions about stocks, their investing strategies etc etc. In any case, I was goofing off on the site yesterday when an article title under the sites "Most Recommended" list caught my eye: "The Biggest Threat to Our Economy". It was recommended by 55 members of the site so I figured I'd give it a read. Very interesting article - you can read it here. Even more interesting though, and the reason for my blog post, was a comment that one of the users, cannotreada10k made regarding the current US Economy and the whole shabang (I quote him and dont take credit for any of this):

{begin quote}
It seems to me that all WE really can do has already been done: vote.

None of us can rein in Government spending, or end the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. None of us can make people stop spend more money than they really have.
None of us can make banks stop giving money to people who can't pay it back.
None of us can slap together a comprehensive list of the reasons we are in this mess and the people responsible.

What we can do:

  • Be smart with your money, pay off your debt, buy assets that aren't going to lose value as quickly as the dollar (or even better, are going to GAIN value), and keep yourselves in the best health possible.
  • Educate your neighbors, your representatives, and your families. Don't worry about the value of your home if you bought it to live in. Maintain it and improve it.
  • Educate yourself, and don't pay someone to do something you can do for yourself.
  • Don't follow trend or fads unless you can prove that they have a sustainable reason for existing.
  • Quite dwelling on the negatives, that's just lazy.
  • Stay aware of them, but focus on finding the positives, and the opportunities.
  • There is always work people will pay you to do, it just depends on what you are WILLING to do.
  • If I find myself jobless, I'm not above washing dishes and cleaning floors to put food on the table and keep the lights on. Don't worry about whether you will lose your job, instead think about what you will be willing or able to do if it happens.
  • My 2 cents. Tomorrow they might only be worth 1, so put them to good use.
{end quote}

Now if only everyone would look at life the same as this person did, the world would be a different place - and the American economy would definitely be in a better place than it is in currently.

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